On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 22:43:40 +1000, Barry OGrady
Post by Barry OGradyPost by unknownOn Sun, 17 Jun 2012 10:01:31 +1000, Barry OGrady
Post by Barry OGradyPost by unknownOn Sat, 16 Jun 2012 22:52:41 +1000, Barry OGrady
Post by Barry OGradyPost by unknownOn Sat, 16 Jun 2012 20:44:43 +1000, Barry OGrady
Post by Barry OGradyPost by unknownOn Fri, 15 Jun 2012 22:43:29 +1000, Barry OGrady
Post by Barry OGradyPost by unknownIndoctrinating children with religious bigotry, fear, and shame is
child abuse.
Gay adoption is far worse.
How would you know? Your parents were gay?
Self righteous religious prigs take it upon themselves to indoctrinate
children into the dogma and doctrine of myths and legends about a
being no one has ever seen, who supposedly is responsible for
everything. This mythical being, whilst possessing unimaginable power
and wholesomeness, basks in the adoration of Its subjects; if the
requisite adoration isn't forthcoming the being roasts the subject in
hell - then we praise its mercy and justice.
The being is an asinine bigot themselves and gives us a lot of do's
and don't's, many of which make no sense. The self righteous latch
on to a few of their favorite ones, and justify their own behavior in
the context of some being they invented. Wars are fought to glorify
the one who must be obeyed, children are maimed and killed, people are
Yet we blithely go on accepting this stupid parental "right" to
inculcate dependent undeveloped minds with a mythical being's bigotry
and that isn't child abuse of the first order?
It is child abuse possibly equal to gay adoption.
I can't help believing that religion is responsible for the anti gay
bigotry that is so prevalent. While I may not understand
homosexuality personally, I am empathetic and compassionate; and would
deny no one the happiness that I have, simply because I don't
understand what "floats their boat." Give them the benefit of the
doubt and move on - it doesn't concern me - but bigotry and injustice
do concern me.
God is invented to justify the invention of religion to justify
I can't disagree with you but gay adoption is unfair on the children.
Can you imagine the taunts they must get at school?
I can, being a nerd and having gone to a jock high school in the
60's... But I think one has to look at all things. Weigh the support
of two loving committed parents against whatever taunting some less
enlightened individuals may try to use. In balance the child might be
more understanding and compassionate as a result.
Or better that then two parents who hate each other's guts and fight
constantly. It is all a matter of context. Too many variables to
make one absolute statement and expect it to hold in all cases.
The ideal would be to filter out unsuitable people before they
become parents. That can't be done with natural parents but
can be with potential adopters. So we can and should exclude
gay couples automatically.
The rights of children should always outweigh any supposed
rights of gay couples.
You sound like you think gay couples are automatically defective in
some way. No two people are alike.
Gay couples tend to be, gay.
Duh? Fine grasp of the obvious there....
Post by Barry OGradyPost by unknownHow do you choose what is best ?
Is foster care a better alternative than gay couples adopting? State
or church run orphanages? Where's the unbiased data that supports
Are you suggesting it is OK for gay couples to corrupt children
and for children to taunted at school because the alternative
is worse?
What is corrupt about homosexuality? It is just part of the normal
variability of human animals - like a good many other species of
animal. Nothing to be ashamed of, and hardly "corrupting." It isn't
a contagion.
Post by Barry OGradyPost by unknownIf you can prove unsuitability based on gender bias alone, I'd be
interested in seeing your research. Scientific research, that is.
Gender is not a problem as long as there is one of each.
Should we allow polygamy grou[s to adopt children?
They seem to be in a polygamous relationship to churn out lots of
children according to their god given mandates. They would hardly
have need or desire to adopt.
Like Catholics, Jews, Protestants, Christians? Those cults should not
be allowed to have children, much less adopt them IMO.
Post by Barry OGradyPost by unknownPerhaps we should test all parents?
Do you think potential parents should require a license?
Looking at it from a totally unemotional point of view... We want
drivers licensed, cosmeticians, plumbers, electricians, builders,
pilots, taxi drivers, motorcyclists, real estate agents, insurance
companies, investment companies, breweries, teachers, lawyers,
doctors, pharmacists, boat/ship captains, day care providers, etc.
etc. - some folks with some particularly minor easily acquired skill
sets, need licenses to practice their trades.
With that in mind, why would you ask that question? There are
probably more bad than good parents in the world - depending on where
the bar is set. It is a bar I'd want set pretty high given the
consequences of shoddy parenting.
Post by Barry OGradyPost by unknownI think we should breed a particularly nasty ornery strain of cats.
These would be given to couples intending to raise children. In a
years time they have to present a living animal, that purrs
affectionately when held by prospective parents.
I don't see how that would stop the children being taunted.
I don't think you care if children are "taunted." That is just
something you found that seems to deflect attention away from your own
anti homosexual agenda. "DO IT FOR THE CHILDREN!!!" The rallying cry
for lots of despicable hidden agendas. Give the little beggars to the
state to raise is far better than committed loving homosexual couples?
Post by Barry OGradyPost by unknownMaybe that would be animal cruelty? Better children suffer than cats.
You have some strange ideas.
I value sarcasm and humor. The mind is very flexible and far ranging,
it doesn't do to mire it in bias and bigotry. Always question what
others tell you, always make up your own mind. Trust no one,
especially yourself - some of the manipulators of human emotion have
become very good at it. Always question authority - power corrupts.