On Tue, 22 Nov 2011 06:16:18 +0100,
According to Craig Chilton who says it's none of anyone's
(1) Your inclusion of alt.gossip.celebrities and
rec.arts.tv... and alt.fan.states.iowa, in the
crosspostings list for starting a thread that is
not even REMOTELY anything that would be
relevant to them is further proof of your irra-
tional insanity. And a *reminder* to everyone
that you have ZERO credibility... so it is NO
WONDER that you always cravenly cower in
anonymity when you post (even as "Bill Tay-
lor;" there are *thousands* of them!), instead
of your REAL, FULL name -- as so many who
are fair-minded and sensible egalitarians who
have NOTHING to be ashamed of, always do.
You're the 21st-century equivalent of KKK
Klansmen who dressed in little kiddie robes and
hid under silly hoods -- because all of THEIR
hate-agendas were as SHAMEFUL and IDIOTIC
as *yours* are.
(2) Your OBSESSION with me is funnier than hell
to observe. I *love* watching COWLIFES self-
destructing by making total FOOLS of themselves
in public as YOU constantly do, Taylor.
(3) As everyone ELSE in here already knows, but
YOU are too DENSE to comprehend, the ONLY
things that I have EVER said are variations of
normalcy are the TRIVIALITIES of race, eye color,
sexual orientation, blood type, & handedness.
Whatever people consciously *choose* to do
in their lives falls OUTSIDE of that list.
(4) AND -- as I have made very clear in other posts,
ALL *consensual* sex on the part of partners of
legal age, and all HARNLESS forms of sex, such
as the one you just WHINED about, and mastur-
bation, when done in private, are NO one else's
business but that of the participants. If ALL of
the world's mindless BUSYBODIES were to wake
up some morning CURED of that mental deficien-
cy, it is likely that 95% of the world's problems
would be SOLVED overnight. Busybodies are the
most MORONIC people on the planet!
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Rest in Peace
George Richard Tiller, MD
A True American HERO!
August 8, 1941 May 31, 2009
Visit -- http://iamdrtiller.com
"He saved the lives of thousands of women who would've
died otherwise, thousands who would've been made sterile
or gravely injured by childbirth. He knew his life was at grave
risk. Dr. Tiller was a true Saint."
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
-- Craig Chilton (E-Mail me if you wish, from top 5 websites below.)
http://www.TravelForPay.org -- Unemployment Solution!
http://www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry
http://www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
http://www.rhrealitycheck.org/print/14481 -- Excellent article!
http://base8.lavenderliberal.com/index.html -- Searchable Database
of the Proposition Hate (8) ENEMIES of Human Rights! KNOW the
enemies... and then HARASS and BOYCOTT the enemies, as much
as it is legally possible to do so!